Freelancing: Real Talk

How much do you charge? How do you price? How long does it take you to make a custom site? What do your proposals look like? And the impostor syndrome… you too?! These topics have been in a black box for too long – let’s open it up and share what we do.

This session is hosted by Lara Schenck, a freelance instructor, designer, and developer. A panel of 3 full time freelancers will be completely transparent about their businesses. We’ll hit on a few topics, then open it up for Q&A.

The panelists are:

Tricia Okin is a freelance user experience designer and site designer for web and mobile applications. She teaches the UX Design Immersive course at General Assembly NYC and London.

Melissa Hsiung (Field & Post) is a WordPress developer who collaborates on projects with designers, marketers, and small studios.

Ben Freda runs a company that helps design studios and marketing agencies build out websites in WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla. He was a freelancer for three years, but now runs a staff of 5.